02-03-2022 - Case Study, Gear
Shot on VENICE 2 - Always Grinding - Vokey Design SM9 Wedges for Titleist Golf
By: SonyCine Team
WOLVVS production company founder, Curt Morgan, is a multiple Emmy Award winning filmmaker. Over a weekend in late November 2021, Morgan tested the VENICE 2 camera in an aerial shoot and on a campaign to capture legendary golf club maker Bob Vokey. Vokey is a legendary name on the golf circuit. For decades, he has been the club master for some of the biggest names in golf. We caught up with Morgan to get insight into the look of the video and his experience with the VENICE 2.
“Since Bob Vokey typically works in a darker interior environment, we wanted to honor the authenticity of his workspace and keep it dark and moody. The VENICE 2 allowed us to use very little additional lighting and gave us immense latitude in post to push and pull the material without much, if any added noise, even at 3200 iso. I also noticed that the color depth in the lower light environment held up like nothing I have seen before. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience working with the new camera and I’m super excited to get it out more this year and push it. The future is looking bright!”